Sunday, September 2, 2012

Spring in August

It's been raining for the past couple of days; it's been a nice gentle summer rain - not the torrent that was expected from Hurricane (now tropical storm) Isaac.  I admit, I was a little disappointed in what amounted to pockets of wet here and there.  I was looking forward to an awesome display of lightning and window shaking thunder.  This summer  has had only the one major event, my oldest has graduated from Purdue and is now thrust into the grind of life.  While I'm excited for this new step, I am saddened that it all happened much to quickly.  It makes me reflect somewhat indulgently at my own life.  I'll never give birth again.  Why didn't I commit that experience to the forefront of my memories?  It's such an awesome but fleeting moment.  Why did I never learn to fly?  After I'm gone from this world, there will never be another earth like it - although Heaven calls to be so much more than I can fathom;   I still find myself missing things (albeit prematurely since I'm still alive) things like the Grand Canyon, the wonder of cell phones, a Stradivarius violin, the way playdough smells when you first open a can.  Well, you get the idea.  Tonight is just another night of many previous ordinary evenings, I listen to the hum drum of my (quiet) dishwasher, my husband enjoys his big screen T.V. and I, sit here blogging while I should be studying.  Maybe I'll get a thunderstorm tonight. I can only hope.